

Coffee & Welcome (Lobby)


Keynote Speeches (Einstein)

Moderator: Joost Kaesemans (Touring)

  • Welcome – Peter Van der Perre, Director & Geert Markey CEO VAB & Chair Board
  • The electromobility-transition: the data & the challenges – Frank Van Gool, CEO Febiac
  • The path towards sustainable mobility – Filip Boelaert, Secretary-general Flemish Departement for Mobility and Public Works
  • Partnerships for sustainable mobility in Belgium – Philippe Docx, CEO Keolis Belgium
  • What stops the success of the speed pedelec – Tomi Viiala, co-CEO Stromer


Coffee & Break (Lobby & Garden)


W1: Parking & Hub Innovations

Moderators: Tim Asperges (city of Leuven) & Frank Vanden Bulcke (De Werkvennootschap)

  • P+R in Brussels, an update – Emmanuel Dawans, project manager
  • A network of P+R’s in Belgium & the Netherlands – Ismira Anindia, City of Utrecht & Steven Logghe, managing director Movias
  • Hoppin & shuffle mobility – Tom Dhollander, managing director infopunt publieke ruimte

W2: Enforcement & access restriction innovations

Moderators: Injaas De Mul (MACQ) & Annelies Develtere (VIAS)

  • Enforcement and information services to improve truck safety – Cécile Bauvin, Marketing & Product Management Europe Quarterhill
  • Mobility Insights & Support for Cities – Jean-François Delplace, Data solutions business advisor MACQ
  • Urban access control & mobility rights – Bart Lannoo, innovation director Be-Mobile

W3: Collective transport innovations

Moderators: Pieter Van Bastelaere (FBAA) & Paul De Muynck (Flibco)

  • Transport-on-demand – Vincent Traen, business development Keolis Belgium
  • SNCB Lab App & train composition info – Christophe Vander Elst, project Manager Innovation Lab NMBS-SNCB
  • Occupancy rates @ De Lijn – Joachim Knoops, digital program manager AI De Lijn

W4: Cooperative mobility innovations

Moderators: Sven Maerivoet (TML) & Kristof Rombaut (AWV)

  • Traffic light priority for trucks and bikes – Gwynne van Kaauwen, mobility expert Tractebel
  • Implementation of large-scale C-ITS solutions and services – Jean-François Jacob, solution consultant & Sylvestre Bassing, sales manager Kapsch TrafficCom
  • Evaluation of Mobilidata I, towards Mobilidata II – Lars Akkermans, senior consultant mobility IMEC

W5: Corporate mobility & fleet management innovations

Moderators: Philippe Kahn (Arval) & Amaury Gerard (Mbrella)

  • B2B MaaS: Flexible Mobility Solutions – Dirk Dury, mobility manager Van Mossel
  • Reimagining fleet charging: beyond traditional charging stations – Kris Verdonck, CEO Uze Energy  & Erwin Ollivier CEO Ethias Lease
  • The federal mobility budget: status and options going forward – Jef Van den Bergh, Former Member of the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium & Timothy Bruneel, Partner Deloitte


Lunch Break (12.00) + Knowledge sharing sessions (13.15)



  • Data & AI/5G
  • Payment
  • Road charging
  • MaaS
  • Autonomous


W6: Multimodal mobility management innovations

Moderators: Koen Vandekerkhove (Brussels mobility center) & Sven Geerts (Vlaams Verkeerscentrum)

  • Visualised data on city level – Bart Verbeeck, countrymanager Cyclomedia
  • Transforming urban traffic with intelligent management systems – Louis Convert, Digi Tech expert Alcom electronics
  • Yunex Symphony: Next Generation Traffic Management – Hans De Ruysscher, sales manager & Bert Estercam, project manager Yunex Traffic

W7: Electromobility innovations

Moderators: Jean-Marc Timmermans (Agoria) & Jochen De Smet (EV Belgium)

  • Public charging in Flanders, an update – Simon Ruyters, policy officer DMOW
  • Solving the electromobility enforcement challenge – Kris De Pril, CEO Geosparc
  • Navigating the unknowns: drivers and projections for EV battery recycling – Maarten Dubois, director sustainability & circularity Deloitte

W8: Cycling & active mobility innovations

Moderators: Brecht Vercruysse (FOD M&V) & Wies Callens (Fietsersbond)

  • all bicycle data projects in one place – Tina Caers, Head of Mobility Province of Antwerp
  • Mybike the bicycle registration platform – Mieke Declercq, policy officer DMOW
  • Sway app for cyclists and pedestrians – Wannes De Smet, offering manager Be-Mobile

W9: Shared mobility & MaaS innovations

Moderators: Stijn Vernaillen (city of Antwerp) & Paul Theyskens (MaaS alliance)

  • Dashboard shared mobility – Otto van Boggelen, program manager CROW-Fietsberaad NL & Sven Boor, software developer Transbits
  • Public Mobility: The Next Evolution of MaaS – Marjolein Heezen & Kevin Vedder, advisors TNO
  • Update of Floya – Thomas de Bassompierre, MaaS Programme manager STIB-MIVB

W10: Autonomous mobility innovations

Moderators: Julie Mariën (DMOW) & Anne-Marie Van Asbroeck (IMEC)

  • Results of the test week autonomous mobility – what we learned – Kristof Rombaut, study engineer ITS AWV & Max Levandowski, CEO Ush
  • Unleashing Autonomous Vehicles on the Tarmac at Brussels Airport – Camille Lubon, Accessibility and mobility expert Brussels Airport Company
  • Going driverless: Seeing the USA act, helping Europe prepare – Dario Deserranno, project manager Espaces-Mobilités


Conclusions & forward view (Einstein)

Moderator: Joost Kaesemans (Touring)

  • Alexander D’Hooghe – co-founder ORG Permanent Modernity & professor MIT
  • Kathy Vandenmeersschaut, Administrator-general AWV
  • Emmanuelle Vandamme, Présidente du Comité de Direction SPF Mobilité et Transports
  • Etienne Willame, Director-general SPW Mobilité et Infrastructures

